In the ASICS Group, we promote "diversity equity & inclusion," in which employees recognize and make the most of each other's differences with the aim of enabling each employee to maximize his or her abilities to provide better products and services for our customer's ever increasing diverse needs and in doing so support our sustainable growth.
①女性管理職比率 : 40%以上(グローバル全体) 株式会社アシックス単体としては25%を目指す 40% or more of all manager positions are filled by females globally. (25% at ASICS Corp.)
●株式会社アシックス/Asics Corporation Head Office(2024年3月22日時点)
●男女の賃金の差異/Gender Pay Gap
※事業年度 2023年1月-12月
(The same wage standards are applied regardless of gender, but there are differences between male and female employees due to differences in the number of employees, employee qualifications, and years with the company, etc.)
●主要なグローバル販社の管理職に占める女性の割合 Ratio of female Mangers in Overseas Subsidiaries(2024年3月22日時点)