Building partnerships and transparency

More than 150 Tier 1 suppliers in  us with the facilitie 20 countries and regions, expertise, and other resources to bring the best products to our consumers. Through our partnership approach, we aim to help improve standards not just among our direct suppliers, but in all areas where our business has influence.


At ASICS, we are aware of the influential role we play in our supply chain, a role we take very seriously. Transparency regarding our supply chain is vital, both for ASICS as well as for our external stakeholders.


ASICS disclosed our global suppliers/factories list for the first time in 2017. This list is updated annually to publicly list the most recent overview of suppliers producing for ASICS.
The list covers key Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers in more than 20 countries responsible for the manufacturing of ASICS and Onitsuka Tiger products; footwear, apparel, accessories and equipment. Together, they account for more than 90% of our global volume of products manufactured annually.


ASICS Group Modern Slavery and Transparency Statement

Read more

Stakeholder engagement and partnerships

ASICS engages and partners with a wide range of NGOs and other industry stakeholders, such as, International Labor organization (ILO), Better Work Programme, Sustainable Apparel Coalition(SAC), Unions (IndustriALL, UA Zensen), The World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI).

Managing & monitoring

Managing our supply chain

Through our Supply Chain Management Program, we seek to maintain and improve standards throughout our supply chain, in all areas where our business has both direct and indirect influence.

Engaging Our Supply Chain Stakeholders


  • Develop global policy and guidelines
  • Internal and external communication regarding policies (including education and training)

Monitoring and Risk Management

  • Assessing human rights risks in the business and supply chain
  • Audit and corrective action to warrant safe and ethical workplace standards

Training and
Capacity Building

  • Supplier training
  • Sharing best practices
  • Develop global policy and guidelines
  • Internal and external communication regarding policies (including education)

Reporting and

  • Disclosure in reports and websites
  • Disclosure based on Modern Slavery Act
  • Utilisation of industry standard tools and disclosure of factory list

Monitoring our supply chain

We continuously monitor the social and environmental sustainability performance of our supply chain partners against ASICS standards. We work closely with factories, labor unions, and industry groups to make improvements. We focus on two topics:

Training and capacity building

Reporting and transparency

Due diligence and risk assessment

ASICS strongly condemns the use of forced or involuntary labor. Therefore, we deploy a rigorous supply chain management program to ensure compliance throughout our supply chain.

Responsible recruitment

ASICS employs nearly 9,000 people and many more thousands of workers are indirectly connected to us throughout our supply chain. Ensuring responsible recruitment practices in our supply chain involves broad policies as well as specific actions.

Our responsible recruitment commitment

We commit to work with our global supply chain partners to create conditions so that:

Workers shall not bear cost for employment such as recruitment fees or other.Workers receive a timely refund of fees and costs paid to obtain or maintain their job.

Workers retain control of their travel documents and have full freedom of movement.

All workers are informed, in a language they understand, of the basic terms of their employment before leaving their country of origin.

Fair wages

ASICS recognizes the issues around fair wages in our industry. Workers should be fully and fairly compensated. Therefore, ASICS supplier audits include a detailed review of wage systems.

Freedom of association and collective bargaining

Our Policy of Engagement requires business partners to recognize and respect the employees’ right to organize and join associations by their own choice, and to bargain collectively. We have been a signatory of the Freedom of Assosiation(FOA)Protocol in Indonesia since 2011

ASICS’ action to ensure and promote “freedom of association” in our global supply chain

Child labor

Child labor is one of ASICS’ so called zero tolerance subjects and we take strong efforts to ensure our contracted facilities are not engaged in such practices.

Grievance mechanism

ASICS has created and introduced a grievance mechanism to listen to the voices of (migrant) workers in factories. The scope of the grievance mechanism will be expanded for more workers to benefit from it.

Engaging with partners for sustainability