2023.02.13 PRESS


ASICS Corporation is pleased to announce the development of “ASICS WELLNESS DATA PLATFORM (AWDP),” which supports all-around health improvement of users based on integrated analysis of a variety of data.

AWDP consists of "ASICS HELTH CARE CHECK (AHCC)" and "ASICS WELLNESS CONSULTANT (AWC)." It analyzes user history and other data quickly and effectively and proposes measures to improve health based on the user’s individual health status.

AHCC is a health improvement program for companies to measure workers’ physical and mental health conditions, project healthful lifespans, and offer health promotion plans. By utilizing the human measurement and analysis technology of the ASICS Institute of Sport Science as well as its wealth of knowledge about exercise programs, ASICS supports corporate health management promotion.

AWC is a smartphone app that can not only confirm the measurement results of AHCC anywhere or at any time but can also offer exercise programs customized for individual users and also recommend exercises based on the measurement results, including with videos.

With the point system “Motipo” to evaluate motivation and determination, Motipo is accumulated with app use. Users are ranked by Motipo or training sessions, either within the company or nationwide. The app encourages starting and continuing to exercise.

The key attributes of AWDP are described below.


  1. Can manage and offer a variety of data, including AHCC measurement results and AWC app log
    AHCC measures walking ability, body composition, cognitive function, physical ability, and stress, and the data can be managed by not only individuals, but also on the community level, for example by corporations or local governments. By comparing the results with national averages or target data, “Kenzendo*,” the health of the individual or community, can be gauged.

    Data that matches user needs can also be provided, including community member awc app usage rate or training rates for community members. When ahcc measurements are taken two times or more, the results of health promotion measures can be visualized through a comparison with earlier measurements.

    *degree of overall physical and mental health (ASICS determinant standard

    An example of the AWDP analysis

  2. Offers solutions to match AHCC measurement data and supports behavioral changes
    Using ASICS’ indicators, the current health status of community members can be shared with the group to provide solutions appropriate for individual groups to improve health. For example, the app might suggest that a group with a higher health status participate in running or walking seminars to maintain physical ability. Or it might offer AWC app training videos matching health status to groups with lower health status that need to improve.

    Events using the app can also be held for communities competing in a point system that measures motivation and effort “Motipo” or training sessions.

    An example of offering the solutions by health status using AWDP

Health promotion solutions using the platform have already been offered to a number of companies and local governments. The platform will be personalized even further going forward, by partnering with ASICS Institute of Sport Science to offer more specific solutions based on not only AHCC business data, but also external data like health check results, sleep and diet data. ASICS aims to expand new business opportunities for the data analysis business using high valued-added data gleaned with AWDP.


An Image of the "data analysis business" utilizing high value-added data obtained from AWDP

ASICS’ founding philosophy is “Sound Mind, Sound Body™,” and the company offers products, services, and an environment that contribute to improving the physical and emotional health of people around the world. By offering optimal value to each and every customer from various angles, ASICS intends to contribute to enabling healthy and fulfilled lives.

ASICS HEALTH CARE CHECK is measuring current health status and projecting future healthy lifespans and visualizing exercise based on those results.

The program began soliciting and testing at cooperating companies through japan from january 2019, encouraging yearly or semiannual measurements, the same as health checkups. Then, the program was made into a business in january 2020.

In march 2021, the Japanese Standards Association (JSA) certified health age, a health evaluation indicator for AHCC.

ASICS has supported improvement of health for more than about 5,600 in 2022. The total number of AHCC users had reached 10,000 in companies and local goverments.

More workers addressed health issues as the COVID-19 pandemic dragged on, and many companies recognizing the importance of health management adopted AHCC.

Users take their AHCC measurements, and those who need to improve their health as well as branch companies and workplaces form communities by comparing their data with the data of more than 10,000 persons held by ASICS. Thirty-six items are measured, and low scores are extracted. Based on the results of the measurements, ASICS offers optimal solutions to companies, branches and workplaces, as well as individuals.

A testing business in Sakai City, Osaka, measured the impact of exercise on the physical and mental health of residents of Senboku New Town, a rapidly aging community, over four months between November 2021 and February 2022, contributing to extending the healthy lifespans of residents. The results showed that use of AHCC helped to establish healthful exercise habits among participants and improved their health.

Please see customer questions on for more on the AHCC business.

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