ASICS hosted ASICS Acclerator Program 3.0 DEMO DAY, and selected three collaboration proposals
2022.07.14 PRESS
Screen, left to right: Point Fit Technology Limited and Impact Biosystems, Inc.
Front: tomoiku Inc.
ASICS Corporation and ASICS Ventures Corporation held the DEMO DAY for the ASICS Accelerator Program 3.0, its business partnership accelerator program for startups, on July 12nd, 2022 at the ASICS Japan headquarters in Tokyo.
The theme for applications for this program was ”Sports – 3 Years From Now,” and application enrollment began from December 2021. Many people realized again the power and potential of sports after global sporting events held last summer in light of the pandemic and societal changes.
ASICS solicited ideas from startups for products and services that will use its technology and brand to contribute to create value together to shape the future of sports.
Seven finalists made their final pitch to the Jury on DEMO DAY, with the finalists selected through 2 rounds of screening steps - the first written and the second interview sessions, after which they spent approximately two and a half months working with the ASICS team to brush up their business collaboration proposals.
On DEMO DAY, the four ASICS executives selected three collaboration proposals, based on overall assessments of “vision” and “feasibility”.
ASICS and the selected startups will together conduct test-marketing and demonstrations and also draft business partnership plans.
The three selected startups and their proposals are outlined below.
<Grand Prize>
Point Fit Technology Limited (Headquarters: Hong Kong, CEO: Kenny Oktavius)
Proposal: Real-time and Continuous Health Monitoring System for Precautionary Diagnostics through Sweat.
<Award of Excellence>
Impact Biosystems, Inc. (Headquarters: USA, CEO: Bridget Hunter-Jones)
Proposal: PACT and ASICS will be collaborating on a data-driven, personalized recovery system for runners.
tomoiku Inc. (Headquarters: Tokyo, CEO : Yukako Takemura)
Proposal: Providing exercise play opportunities and comprehensive sports education for preschool- aged children.
〇Other participants
FiNANCiE Inc. (Headquarters: Tokyo, CEO: Hironao Kunimitsu)
Proposal: Evolve the ASICS community into a fan-participation model with Web3.
PAPAMO Co. Ltd. (Headquarters: Tokyo, Representative Director: Sakiko Hashimoto)
Proposal: Online sports school for children with Neurodevelopmental disorders to overcome the dislike ofexercise by using data.
emotivE Inc. (Headquarters: Tokyo, Representative Director and CEO: Masayuki Kessoku)
Proposal: Forming exercise habits and extending healthy lifespan through the personalized exercise experience with interactive AI.
Mechu Inc. (Headquarters: Fukushima, Representative Director: Takumichi Koizumi)
Proposal: Create new opportunities for athletes and fans to connect and fans supporting athletes with Mechu and boosting the sports market.
Akihiro Mori, President and Representative Director of ASICS Ventures, said, “ASICS Ventures is accelerating the realization of innovation that bolster the achievement of “VISION2030”, which is ASICS Groups’s long-term vision toward 2030, through investing in and partnering with startups who have innovative technology, service, and human resources. Throughout this program, we are very happy that we have been discussing collaboration ideas with startups for over 2 months and passionate presentation was made by each startup at DEMO DAY. We are going to continue to take on a challenge by collaborating with startups who has unique technologies and ideas going forward.”
One of the strategies in ASICS’s 2023 Medium-term Management Plan is to realize a sustainable society through our business activities. ASICS aims to support the physical and mental health of people around the world as well as sport-friendly environments.
The business activities of the three winning companies are considered appropriate for a rapidly changing society and environment, and ASICS is confident that the proposed collaborations will support the creation of lifestyles that are fulfilling bo th mentally and physically.
ASICS wishes to achieve sustainable growth by partnering with startups that would create value, and developing new businesses.
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<ASICS Accelerator Program official site>