Information Business in Russia

◆Career Discussions

ASICS has introduced “career discussions” aimed at increasing the speed of growth by raising each employee’s awareness of their own career. It is an opportunity to draw on the employee’s own career vision and goals, discuss the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to achieve it with their manager, then plan the actions to be taken in the future.

◆Career Design

Our company offers employees opportunities to review their career with a view to plan their future career within a structured program at various turning points in their career.

◆Mentor Program

ASICS has implemented a mentoring system for new employees to

openly communicate with a mentor about long-term career development and

various topics including those outside of work also.

Our company offers training programs to employees assigned as mentors for two purposes: firstly to improve the growth of new employees and secondly to support their progress as mentors themselves.

◆Business skills and Knowledge

ASICS provides many courses on a diverse range of topics that employees can take at their manager’s recommendation or at their own request also. By thinking about their own career goals, taking these programs to develop and utilizing it in their job, employees will be one step closer to what they want to be.