Information Business in Russia


Many valuable our suppliers in numerous countries provide us with the facilities, expertise and other resources that allow us to bring the best products to our customers. We are proud to be working with them, sharing not only a passion for great products, but also commitment to sustainability and fair labor practices.

We feel that sharing basic information on our supply base will enhance transparency both for business partners, investors, labor organizations and our customers.

Several factors can have an impact on the accurateness of any brands supplier list; quality of information available on a consolidated basis from databases, solid sourcing procedures and integrated data management processes and most of all the stability of the supply base on a seasonal basis.

The information shared in below document represents the ASICS Groups key Tier 1 supply base and accounts for more than 90% of our global volume of product manufactured on an annual basis. Tier 1 suppliers are all suppliers and relevant subcontractors, who are responsible for the manufacturing of ASICS, ASICS Tiger and Onitsuka Tiger products; footwear, apparel, accessories and equipment. These products can be designed and sold globally but also on a regional or a domestic, one country, basis.

As ASICS, we value long term relations with our suppliers. While we do see a certain fluctuation in the supply base of a small part of our annual production volumes e.g. to new suppliers because of expanding to new product categories, we pride ourselves for the close, stable partnerships we have with most of our contracted suppliers.

In addition, in order to make a response migrant worker issues, we have introduced a grievance mechanism that directly listens to the opinions of workers, mainly in high-risk countries. At the target factories, posters in their native language are posted on bulletin boards.

ASICS Global Factory List can be found below:

Some of our suppliers have been joining the Better Work Programme.

Cambodia Vietnam Indonesia

Responsible Recruitment

On October 22, 2018, ASICS Corporation became a signatory to the “AAFA/FLA Apparel & Footwear Industry Commitment to Responsible Recruitment,” reflecting our company's strong commitment to the fair treatment of workers in global apparel and footwear supply chains.

Developed in conjunction with the American Apparel & Footwear Association and the Fair Labor Association, the Commitment is a proactive industry effort to address potential forced labor risks for migrant workers in the global supply chain. Each of the over 120 signatories commits to working with its partners to create conditions where no worker pays for their job; where workers retain control of their travel documents and have full freedom of movement; and workers are informed of the basic terms of their employment before joining the workforce. By signing this Commitment, ASICS also agrees to work to “seriously and effectively” implement these practices, to incorporate the Commitment into our social compliance standards, and to periodically report the company’s actions.

Reducing potential forced labor risks for migrant workers in the global supply chain is next to impossible for a single company to accomplish alone. True progress towards these goals can only be made when the industry collectively works together in collaboration on this important issue.

The full text of the Commitment to Responsible Recruitment can be found below:


Added Female and Migrant worker ratio to improve transparency from 2021.